Move your Limits
Moving workshop about seeing and not seeing for school classes (6-14 years)
Target group: School classes between 6 and 14 years.
Duration: 2.5 hours
In this workshop we deal with the topic of blindness and visual impairment. How is it possible to dance blind? How is it possible to orient oneself in space without seeing? What role does hearing play in this? And what is an accessible dance studio anyway?
This workshop is led by an experienced, mixed-abled trainer* team. After a group arrival and warm-up, the class will be divided into two groups.
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Dance & Rhythm
Together we experience how much is possible without seeing! Body percussion, rhythm exercises and different dance styles are experienced blind, and our other senses, such as hearing and feeling, suddenly take center stage.
Strengthening trust, a sense of community, and overcoming the limits of one's own comfort zone are the main focus.
Sensitization & Self-Awareness
Different visual impairments are explored using simulation glasses; mindful interaction and appropriate communication with blind people are reflected; and exercises for spatial orientation and leading/following are tried out, thus generating broader understanding and empathy.
In a playful way, we encourage a sense of mindful interaction with one other, sensitize students on the topic of disability, strengthen the class community - and let all the senses dance!
At the end, there is room for joint reflection. The children and young people can tell us how they experienced the exercises – for example, what was difficult or perhaps surprising. There is also plenty of room for questions to our trainers, which can be a group discussion.
In a nutshell, this workshop offers:
practical experience of the topics of inclusion & diversity
impulses for working on different topics in the classroom
a well thought-out concept for the whole class, for girls and boys alike
fun with music, movement and dance
You are an educator and would like to participate in a Move your Limits! workshop with your class? Or you have questions about our workshops?
Write a mail to info@tanzenohnegrenzen.org.
All information about
Move your limits
With our approach, we want to promote the health of children and adolescents in a variety of ways. Dancing conveys the joy of movement, the togetherness playfully strengthens social skills and non-verbal communication. Fear of contact is reduced. A space for active encounter and exchange is created. We understand dance and movement as a possibility to practice inclusion.
This project is partly financed by the Kahane Foundation.