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What accessibility means to us?

The diversity of our employees and participants creates an inspiring and productive atmosphere that promotes and strengthens creativity and organizational culture. All people should be able to develop their full potential and are not discriminated against based on age, gender, sexual orientation, physical or psychological abilities, origin or ethnicity, socio-economic background or religion or ideology.


We consciously address the above-mentioned groups from the core dimensions of diversity and variety and invite everyone, whether employees or participants, to experience dancing together with all their senses.

Fair für Alle (Fair for Everyone)

Access Statement

In our Access Statement you will receive information about accessibility along our service chain. It also contains information about (barrier-free) arrival and the rooms.

Feedback option on accessibility

It is very important to us to continually develop our workshops - your feedback helps us with this. 

If you would like to tell us something, you have two options to contact us:

Write us an email to: or fill out the accessibility contact form.

Thank you for your feedback!

Kontaktformular Barrierefreiheit

Vielen Dank für Dein Feedback!

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